Parma - Italy Oct 27 - 30 2026 #cibustec

The new Prismatech MixTech is conceived for higher-quality products, less wastage and an innovative user interface.  It is a combined system designed for the deaeration, mixing and carbonation of beverages, such as soft drinks, CSD, alcoholic beverages and flavoured water thanks to the easy modular integration for flavour-dosing.

The choice of employing a horizontal tank allows for an increased contact time and greater dispersion of the water, thus improving deaeration. The tank is also equipped with a ring of multiple nozzles which creates better nebulisation, meaning that even more oxygen can be removed and enabling a long-lasting carbonation. A better deaeration can be achieved thanks to the implementation of a double or even triple deaeration.

This new machine features a more precise ingredient dosage as well as Brix, Diet, CO2, and O2 analysis units for an accurate reading of the parameters.

It is complete with electronic level indicators for a continuous reading on the tank level to better control the flow rates.

The new mixer presents itself as a more compact and space-saving unit since both tanks are horizontal for easier shipment and no re-assembly needed. Moreover, it shows greater energy-efficiency and water-saving enhancement.

The up-to-date software allows to view data trends for product output, as well as water, syrup and CO2 consumption, for improved clarity and a greater overview for the customer, meaning you can calculate more precisely your energy and ingredient needs in the present and future productions.

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