Parma - Italy Oct 27 - 30 2026 #cibustec

Element-E is the biodiversity monitoring protocol developed by 3Bee: an innovative approach based on new technologies and partnerships with organizations and research institutes such as ESA, UniTo, UniNa and Crea. It is a technology-based biodiversity monitoring protocol, validated by a third party certification body, that uses a science-based approach to guide concrete actions in the field. Born from the synergy of technologies developed by 3Bee - Hive-Tech, Flora and Spectrum - Element-E combines data collection and analysis into a single advanced framework.

Element-E makes it possible to accurately monitor the suitability of an area and the presence of pollinating insects, providing data that complies with international reporting standards such as EFRAG and GRI, which are now mandatory under the CSRD Directive. Companies that choose Element-E to monitor biodiversity on their sites will:
1. Receive a detailed report on the biodiversity of the site, an assessment of the biological health of the area and a long-term plan for its restoration.
2. Ensure transparency through a dedicated landing page - a useful project page to communicate externally about their achievements.
3. Obtain the Element-E label, the globally recognized and valid label that certifies the use of the Element-E Biodiversity Monitoring Protocol.

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